5 Sweet Regret and Grateful Celebration Training

9:55 - 10:30 Welcome.

Read Stillness is the Key; Choose Virtue

10:30 - 11:15

11:15 - 11:30

Read Obstacle is the Way; Do your job

11:30 - 12

12 - 1

All self-judgements are an expression of your values. Clarify what those values are, down them to the conscious heart level

Sweet regret: cherish the value you want to better fulfill moving forward focus on your potential and

graceful, warm

weekly meetings orientation / Q&A

Reflective Journaling: Do it together.

Grateful celebration: What are some small wins I can celebrate? (Big wins count, too).

Sweet regret includes meditating on the positive value you want to better fulfill, acknowledging what you did which went against that wish, and encouraging the heck out of yourself moving forward.

First, acknowledge the heck. Give it a label and a voice. Then, encourage the heck out of yourself. Respond in a way that's conscious, rational, and positive.

Have people encourage each other

Each week a different person will take the role of honesty leader, and verbally share with the group their statement of identity, grateful celebrations, and sweet regrets. In return, every single member of the group will express either empathy or appreciation for the honesty leader's courageous sharing. In both ups and downs, we’ll encourage each other for the effort we’re putting in to become better versions of ourselves, albeit imperfectly so.

9:50 - 10:10am Reading.

Explain that when we’re doing empathy pairs, I request that listening with empathy be the default. It’s OK to speak in other ways, of course. But please do so based on the request of the speaker, or by asking the speaker’s permission.


Decide the order of honesty leaders by a draw of luck

Breakout into empathy pairs to discuss feelings around the order, and the anticipation of what it will be like to be empathy leader.

Show a list of core needs, and have people select the ones that are prerequisites to feel safe being vulnerable with others. See which core needs are most shared by the individuals in the group.

What are you ready to bring to the team to make others feel safe being vulnerable? What inspires you about what others have offered to contribute towards a culture of safety being vulnerable?

What to Do in Empathy Pairs

Merely follow the process unless otherwise requested by the speaker

Help each other stay focused on the process

The speaker will select one of the following questions, and answer it verbally for about 10 minutes:

  • What am I struggling with?

  • How might I articulate the questions I’m trying to figure out in my life right now?

  • What are the core needs that are alive in my decision-making in this phase of my life? How satisfied am I with my current strategies for meeting those core needs? How can I better meet those core needs?

  • How could I apply any ideas into my life that I found inspiring from the reading today?

  • How could I apply any ideas into my life that I found inspiring from the honesty leader today?

  • How can I support myself to do more actions worth grateful celebration, and less actions worth sweet regret?

The listener will:

  • Ignore tangential interests of their own mind

  • Listen carefully to the other person

  • Verbally demonstrate empathy

  • Interrupt as necessary to stay on track or keep up the empathy with the sharing

If you are the speaker, you may also request feedback, advice, or other forms of response, if that’s what you wish for. Please interrupt if you feel the response you are receiving is not on track with the process or your requests.

What to Do in Identity Process Time

Grateful Celebration

Sweet Regret - not based on fear of punishment. Shame is also fear of being seen as inadequate. Sweet regret is always connected to positive values you wish to better live out. There is always learning and action.



Sharing Feelings that Show Care